man O man how many sleepless nights can one take. Well after two kids I realized quite a bit. I mean you won't be the sweetest pumpkin pie on the block but you can survive. My older one always had sleep issues so I read almost anything and everything on how to make babies sleep better was even tempted to order a fifty dollar book but dear lord O mighty the words 'baby' and 'sleep' do not go together in atleast my dictionary. I used to bathe and massage her every night before bed and she still got up every hour and a half to two hours. The first year you might get a full nights sleep once in probably 3 or 4 weeks. With my older one though I got a continuous 4 hours of sleep once in 13 months. The only thing that helps is if you teach your baby to fall asleep on their own without any bottle, no binky, no rocking, no singing, no dancing. For alot of mom's out there you know that sometimes you don't have a choice and at one point you want the darn thing to just go to sleep (I say that with all the love in the world). With my second baby my mom suggested a binky to help sooth her to sleep, now I wake up three, four times a night to go find it for her and give it to her. Seriously, one time my neighbor, she has twins by the way, told me the twins took 4 hour naps and slept 12 hours straight at night, I thought she was taunting & teasing me. Who are these people and who are those kids man....what am I doing so wrong.
Any hooo, the best solution to this problem I found was to let the baby go to sleep on their own and they'll do that after crying and whimpering a bit becasue da da da rein...they know as little tots how to manipulate and blackmail you into picking them up and being there for their every illegal need. Well sometimes the crying is a bit much so do go and sooth them because they have to know you are around. And as i'm writing this my baby has woken up in the middle of her sleep so..back to my 24 hour shift. Good luck to the other moms out there.
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