Okay so I don't exactly know where the "day" is supposed to begin but lets say 12am-12am is my 24hr. Around 1:26am the baby monitor started talking or might I say thing#2 starts babbling, for what reason, only God knows. So since I put both my girls in the same room I start freaking a bit while laying in bed that thing#2 might wake up thing#1 and if that happens HeLLO 5:30. Anyways when 10minutes turned to 45 I went and gave her a bottle so she could sleep again. Well an hour and a half later thing#1 walks in to the room and wakes me up so she could go pee. I thank her and ask her to go to bed, which she does thankfully. 3am and I can finally sleep. 7:30am is the normal wake up time for both the kids so we get up and have our milk and breakfast. As the day goes toys are flying, paint is splashing and water is spilling. I'm cleaning so fast but somehow the house seem to look like a pigs sty anyways. After mopping and cleaning the house I decide to not look back and head to the post office to pick up a letter for my hubbs. After rolling around the post office floor, and putting fingers inside the heating ducts we get our envelope and leave. On my way I realize I have to get my cars oil changed so I pull up at the mall to drop off my car at Sears. A box of Tic-Tac and strawberry-flavored dum dum later the guy tells me to come pick it up in an hour or so. We head in to the mall and I realize I gotta go pee. So I drag a 3 year old and a very big stroller in to a very teeny bathroom and a series of crying and yelling later we head out. As soon as we come outta the restroom there is a display of Sesame Street characters which thing#1 has to have but can't decide which ones to pick up so 5 trips back and forth the display I manage to make her put down all of them. We head to the other stores but first thing#1 decides I should try to play catch with her and she takes off. Imagine running with a stroller with a baby in it, lets just say people were smiling.Well we enter a baby clothing store and I let my one year old off the stroller to roam around a bit, she walks around comes and stands by the stroller and guess what???? Poops! Ai Ai Ai !!! So the next mission on the list was to find another clean rest room to go change the diaper. I start telling my 3 year old to get a move on so we can get the little one clean and she enters the stores and decides to individually jump on every square tile and hop her way to the restroom....took so long that you could read this blog 15 times over. There was yelling and crying and in the end bribing involved to get the job done. Anyways we get in do our thing and leave. Since the bribe included french-fires and coke (as if more caffeine was required) we head the Mikky D's yaay woohooo, fun for mom. Half hour of munching chicken nuggets and french fries and fighting with 15 straws in one cup of Sprite later (yes I decided -caffeine=loose my mind) my Hubbs calls and asks me to stay there another 45 minutes so he can come drop his car and we can leave together. Well I clean up and decide to walk in to the 4th store with any luck, then my 3 year old announces 'Mom I need to go pee' Kid You NOT!!! So guess what we did....need I repeat the process. We come out and I decide to go and atleast sign and get my own car keys before Hubs gets here. So a strange old man playing Peek-a-boo with my little one and one $1.80 candy baby bottle for the 3 year old later I get my keys. At this point I decide to sit on a bed in Sears and let the kids bring the store down infront of me. Dad comes in and we Finally leave. On the way back he says he wants to go to the Gym and since I needed a gosh darn break I tell him i'll go when he gets back. We get home and discover that thing#1 opened up the candy baby bottle and spilled the powered part all over her car seat, clothes and the back seat. While I go change her clothes and dust of her seat my hubby got the vacuum to clean the car. We get in, I start to cook dinner because before I leave for the gym I need to get everything set out so daddy dear can feed the kids and himself. Dad gets home but first we all have to go together and pick up his car. I take his car and head off to the gym, he takes the kids home. I work-out for 40 minutes and head to Target for some groceries. I get back and kids are done with dinner Thank God. Me and Hubs have our dinner. He cleans up while I put the little one to bed. Its about 9:30pm at this point. I am almost to the point where I cant move but the older one says she wants to go to bed too so I do the whole bed time routine and take her to bed. Finally, Relaxation! .....not!!!! she walks down in 61/2 minutes. I am about to pull my hair out. Hubs goes to bed and i'm stuck with her downstairs. 11:00pm and I turn off all the lights and tell her i'm going to bed and you stay down here, she decides moms not joking and goes to bed. And there goes my 24hr. Anyone tired of reading this yet !