Oh no you didn't. Three minute time-out for you little missy. Yeah don't look at me (my blog) like that, it was called for, I know you all are giving me the bad eye, the guilty eye and the mean eye. Well I know you're right that time-out happened only in my head but hey sometimes the truth can't be taken in all at once. It's like going through the stages of mourning (mourning your old waist line and hip size). First comes denial, no man i'm not fat, please I kind of fit into almost all my clothes. Then comes anger, how dare you, are you kidding me, you're fat too. The comes bargaining, I can definitely eat 4 cookies I mean better than eating 10. Then depression...Oh God i'm so fat, I hate you mirror. Then comes acceptance (after gaining atleast 6 more pounds), okay better buy a bag of grapefruits instead of yummy gummys. I hate talking about dieting but when you're baby comes up to you and wants to play soccer for an hour and you're done in 5, time to go out for some serious stroller-running, crunches and lunges. Wish me luck.